This episode features Aseem Mittal.
Aseem has been investing internationally for the last 10 years, and has gained a wealth of knowledge in the process. As you can imagine, there are many moving parts and details to consider when you have properties in multiple countries. Most of us have enough trouble keeping up with laws and regulations in one country!
Aseem lays out some of his strategies for what has allowed him to not only begin investing around the world…but to grow his portfolio as well as manage it from his home here in America.
International Real Estate Investing is something that not a lot of people know much about, so hearing perspective from someone who has acquired properties in 6 different countries over the last decade was something I really enjoyed. I know you’ll enjoy it to!
I hope that in this interview you find practical insights that you can learn from, or directly apply as you continue on your own journey in Real Estate.
I hope you enjoy my conversation with Aseem!