This episode features Tim Milazzo.
One of the biggest hurdles that any investor faces, especially early on, is how to get funding for their deals. And in today’s market where speed-to-money is critical, having an option that affords you quick access into a variety of loan options to best suit your needs is invaluable.
That’s exactly what Tim has built into his service, StackSource. Investors have transparency into the terms of the loans they’re being offered, and can choose the best fit for exactly the strategy they’re going into any particular deal with. During our conversation I probe into various aspects of the very overwhelming and often veiled industry of Real Estate financing. Tim does a great job of demystifying this space and answering a lot of the questions that I know many investors face while they try to fund their deals and grow their portfolio.
I hope that in this interview you find practical insights that you can learn from, or directly apply as you continue on your own journey in Real Estate.
Now here’s my conversation with Tim!