This episode features Tim Schmidt of GoodBuy House.
Tim is a relatively new investor, but has accomplished an incredible amount in the short time he’s been doing deals.
When I talked with him, I could sense his passion and excitement for Real Estate immediately. That passion has manifested itself in a variety of ways so far. What I talk with him about in this episode, specifically, is Property Management.
Tom’s Property Management company is set up in a way that allows them to solve their clients problems with several different strategies depending on what is specifically best in their situation. Talk with anyone who has searched for a Property Manager, and they’ll tell you that’s an extremely valuable way to position yourself in that space.
Tom and his team bring various areas of expertise to the table so that if someone brings a home to them they want off their hands and they need cash, for example, they can buy it from them as investors, they can list it for them as agents, or, if they decide they would rather have long-term cashflow, they can manage the property for them and rent it out to tenants!
Tom has learned so much in the last several years, and he’s eager to share it with you. So listen up! ?
I hope that in this interview you find practical insights that you can learn from, or directly apply as you continue on your own journey in Real Estate.
I hope you enjoy my conversation with Tim!